Pacific Northwest Coastal Indigenous Communities have traditionally used the Raven to symbolize knowledge, transformation, and creation. With this in mind, in 2019, Dawn Slykhuis created RVN Wellness, a wellness initiative built on community and connection to move us through life’s transformations.
Dawn Slykhuis, owner of RVN Wellness has been a practicing registered social worker for over 15 years, with over 10 of those years in leadership positions providing clinical supervision and leadership to a range of helping professionals, including teaching in the Bachelor of Social Work program at a local post secondary institution.
Approximately 10 years ago Dawn discovered yoga. She quickly found that her yoga mat was a place she could turn when she needed to process, reflect, or just step away from the busy day to day chaos. In 2019 she expanded on her practice and attended yoga teacher training.
And here Dawn is now, with gratitude, offering an opportunity to blend counselling and yoga for a more holistic approach to dealing with life in the Port Moody, BC and surrounding area.
If you are looking for support in dealing with mental health or substance use issues, for yourself or a loved one; or are looking to expand your yoga practice in an inclusive environment, welcome. We have a place for you.

“Dawn is the most relaxed, inclusive yogi I’ve had the pleasure of learning from. Her classes are easy to follow yet still physically challenging – in the best way! I highly recommend heading out to a class of hers!“ – RB, 2020